Dota 2
Dota 2
Posted 2022-12-10, 16:20

Faceless Void guide - the most picked hero at TI qualifiers

John Dow
John Dow
7 min read
Quite recently, the qualifying matches for the long-awaited and beloved The International 11 thundered. These qualifiers were remembered for colorful matches, interesting drafts, and, in some cases, even unexpected winners of the qualifiers themselves. After all the matches played in all regions, there are only two slots left for the dream tournament. Last Chance Qualifier is the last chance to catch the chance provided by the organizers of the largest competition in Dota 2.
Faceless Void guide - the most picked hero at TI qualifiers

Today, will compile a detailed guide for one of the strongest carries in this meta – Faceless Void, it’s not for nothing that they made an arcana on him, right? Faceless Void is now one of the most frequently picked heroes not only in pubs, but also, as you might have guessed from the name, in games of the highest level. Let's try to unravel what made him so strong and why the teams preferred the Faceless Warrior to other equally stable carries - Phantom Assasin, Juggernaut, Spectre or even Luna or Troll Warlord. Let's go!


Early game (until 15 min)

Starting purchase: in most cases, the purchase below will be universal. It includes Tango, Slipper of Agility, Circlet, 2 branches, and Quelling Blade.


Obviously, after that we should buy the default items for carries in the early stage - Wraith Band, Power Treads, Mask of Madness, and Javelin. Each of these items will provide us with stability in the lane, fast farming and lifesteal so as not to go to the fountain for health regeneration.


Laning Stage: An extremely primitive scenario. The main goal is to last hit the creeps as much as possible and not die in the lane, with unlikely and rare attempts to kill offlaners or soft-supports. We need to get the Mask of Madness as soon as possible and slowly move into the jungle for safe farming before buying the vadest items to ensure we win the game. After all, as we all know, Faceless Void has no damage if it does not have damage items. As funny as it sounds, it's true, don't rely too much on bash.


Skill build: in 99% of cases, you should choose the build demonstrated on the screen. It is the most stable and adapted to various game scenarios - from a bad start and a forced hike into the forest to a killing spree at the beginning.


Faceless Void guide - the most picked hero at TI qualifiers


Mid-game (15-30 min)

Here the task is not much different from the one in the early game, however, to that task we add periodic sorties in Smoke of Deceit for a full-scale 5v5 fight. The priority choice of items will be: Maelstrom - to further disperse your farm; Aghanim Shard - adds a unique ability to us, which we will look at later; Black King Bar- I think that no explanation is needed here; Mjollnir - Increases attack speed in Chronosphere.


The ability from Aghanim’s Shard - Reverse Time Walk (allows us to almost safely go into no-vision and farm spots to quickly and painlessly return without losing a single percentage of health).


An essential feature of the game for Faceless Void, for which he is so respected in the pro scene, is his ultimate - Chronosphere, this skill allows you to turn any game around and vice versa to reinforce the advantage with these 4-5 seconds of complete control in Chrono. Excellent control, which is impossible to counter, becomes an excellent training ground for all your team's AOE skills. At these qualifiers, we have seen combinations with Invoker, Shadow Fiend, Zeus, Puck more than once. There are many of such combinations and they all fit very well into the overall style of the game with our today's hero.



Late game (30+ min)

We follow the same gameplay as before. If the game is approaching late, it is worth having a similar inventory: Eye of Skadi, BKB, Satanic, Mjolnir, Monkey King Bar. Of course, the combinations of various items may vary, but this particular buy seems to be the most universal, it has everything - damage, vampirism, attack speed, and survivability. All these characteristics make Void one of the best carries in the patch, in addition to being sympathetic to any teammate with AOE abilities.


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