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Clinkz - the most unusual support of the new patch 7.33c
Clinkz - the most unusual support of the new patch 7.33c
The Dota 2 community has always been accustomed to seeing Clinkz played as a hard-hitting carry, capable of dishing out tremendous amounts of physical damage and shredding through enemy heroes. However, with the recent changes introduced in Patch 7.33c, Clinkz has taken on a new and unexpected role as a support hero. This shift has raised eyebrows and sparked curiosity among players, leading to an exploration of the potential and effectiveness of Clinkz in this untypical role.
Is it possible to play Lycanthrope in 7.32b meta?
Dota 2
September 17, 2022
Is it possible to play Lycanthrope in 7.32b meta?
In the 7.32 update era, Dota gains a good selection of heroes. One such hero is Lycanthrope. It's very significant that this hero is back in the modern Dota meta. Because even a month ago, the pick rate of this hero was 1.25%, and now it's 1.8%. You can see that players have started to draft this hero. The win rate has also increased from 49.8% to 51%. Yes, you can say that 2% is not an indicator, just the opposite.