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Tips for DUO mode in CS:GO: Part 2
Tips for DUO mode in CS:GO: Part 2
This article is a continuation of the two-player tactics tutorial. Effective yet simple tactics that will help you in every game. Again Johnny and Tommy, Mirage, T-side. Check this out.
Tips for DUO mode in CS:GO: Part 1
Tips for DUO mode in CS:GO: Part 1
You will not always have four good teammates with whom you can adequately adapt to the game. How often do you play together with your friend? In this article, you will learn about tactics, secrets, and playing matchups that will help you win. In this part, everything will take place on Mirage. You and a friend are playing together. Mirage. CT side. Check this out. For an easy explanation, let's call two players, Johnny and Tommy.