Game Reviews
Posted 2022-10-16, 15:12

Tips for DUO mode in CS:GO: Part 2

John Dow
John Dow
5 min read
This article is a continuation of the two-player tactics tutorial. Effective yet simple tactics that will help you in every game. Again Johnny and Tommy, Mirage, T-side. Check this out.
Tips for DUO mode in CS:GO: Part 2

Open Palace

Johnny goes to the Palace, and Tommy throws two quick smokes: on the Stairs and under the Stairs. After that, Tommy throws an instant flash grenade to enter the plant for a teammate successfully. Johnny logs into the site safely. Tommy runs to help his ally. A simple openfrag or even control over the entire A site.

Again Plant A

Tips for DUO mode in CS:GO: Part 2

Tommy and Johnny go to bombsite B through a TVRoom. Tommy throws smoke at the Jungle, and Johnny throws smoke at the Connector. The opponents at bombsite B leave to help their allies on the other side of the map. Johnny gets into position to shoot Forest. Tommy throws a Molotov cocktail at Car and a flash grenade. After that, Johnny shoots the Forest through the wall, and Tommy breaks into the bombsite. That is an easy way to trick your opponents and take control of bombsite B.

Short Under

Johnny and Tommy go to Mid-through Underground. Tommy throws smoke out the window while Johnny watches the Connector. Johnny throws smoke at the Connector. Tommy throws fire deep into the Jungle while Johnny throws fire on the steps in the Connector. After that, Tommy stands on Johnny and carefully looks at Short. Tommy kills the enemy and, blowing quickly, begins to control Short.

Plant B

Joni and Tommy are in front of Apps. They throw two smoke on Short to block all visibility of the enemy. After that, they throw fire under the window and at Car. Tommy and Johnny throw flash grenades and jump into the bombsite at full speed, prioritizing Forest and Site.

Triple A

Tips for DUO mode in CS:GO: Part 2

Jungle, CT. Tommy throws three smoke grenades at bombsite A: on Stairs. Tommy throws fire at the FireBox. Johnny throws fire in the Underpalace. This way, you completely closed bombsite A or made an effective fake. The only disadvantage of this method is that you need to ask for one smoke from your allies.

Def of Retake B

While planting the bomb, Tommy puts Johnny on a box and throws one-way smoke under him. Tommy gets behind the car. At the right moment, Tommy throws fire at the bomb. The fire will not affect the ally, and the opponents will not be able to take the correct position.

One Way Palace

Tommy throws deep smoke at the Jungle to drive his opponent under the Stairs. After that, Johnny throws one-way smoke at the Palace. One ally stands on the second in the smoke. A teammate with a sniper rifle finds the enemy and quickly kills him.

Boost on Mid

A simple but effective tactic for a safe passage into the Mid. Johnny throws smoke at the outside of the Connector, and Tommy throws a flash grenade at the enemy in the Jungle. Johnny stands near the end of the right wall, and Tommy jumps on his ally. Two allies simultaneously lunge to the left and face the Jungle. Thus, Tommy and Johnny have two times more chances of killing the enemy and good domination on this part of the map. The effect of surprise will add to the effectiveness of this tactic. The downside is don't use it too often. This way, you will be easily killed in each round.

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