Dota 2
Dota 2
Posted 2022-10-02, 15:22

What's wrong with the new Battle Pass?

John Dow
John Dow
8 min read
Every year, all Dota 2 multiplayer fans gather together to look at the largest tournament in eSports with the largest prize money in history - The International. Every season it attracts more and more viewers behind computer screens, and as an excellent bonus to competitions, in addition to epic matches of professional teams, ordinary players can enjoy the seasonal Battle Pass, which changes its content every year, its rewards, treasures and chests, new couriers, emoticons and anything that Valve's creative development team can come up with.
What's wrong with the new Battle Pass?

The release of the new BP is another failure and a way to earn as much money as possible with the fan and fans of one of the most popular online games - Dota 2. Why did the developers choose such a plan, or is such a reaction of the entire Dota community not very correct and not too similar to the truth? What, after all, is wrong with the new Battle Pass? Let's figure it out.


Why is new BP so bad?

Let's start with a simple one: the release date of the add-on to the Dota 2 game. On September 1, the whole world saw this very BP, they were waiting for it for a very long time, Valve again said that they did not have time to do anything within the prescribed period, so they waited a long time for the release of BP compensates for its duration and good rewards. 


The first miscalculation of Valve - the compendium was always released 3+ months before the start of the TI group stage, so that people could take a closer look at the content, see if it was really worth the money, years earlier, the developers did not finish the content during the BP itself. They released an absolutely ready-made filled product. The most important thing for fans, which was partially taken away from them, is to make predictions for TI qualifiers, for which you can get additional experience points and increase the level of BP.


This year, everything had to be done in a hurry, we didn’t have a comfortable 2 weeks to think carefully about who would be the strongest at the regional qualifiers – the fans were given three days to predict, naturally, many did not have time to compete for points.


What's wrong with the new Battle Pass?


New landscape absence

The eleventh The International is already waiting for us, and almost every such tournament had its own unique Battle Pass - with its own style and ideas, landscape, and secrets. However, BP was marked by complete chaos and absolute non-attachment to any event, color, element, etc. Nevertheless, how cool was it to go through dessert terrains in 2015, wander through the sea landscape at TI7, pretend to be a jungle dweller in 2019, or peer into the ruins of antiquity at TI, which was supposed to take place in 2020.


What's wrong with the new Battle Pass?


Illogical Rewards

Well, we have already concluded that the current beta-Battle Pass will be completed soon and that we will see all the rewards later. But the question arises as to the quality and logic of these awards, don't you think that we are being deceived? From year to year, the best immortal items were found in the treasures dedicated to TI, this year we see extremely modest rewards, both regular sets, and immortal items.


From the very beginning, we have an obscure TI theme, an absolutely incomprehensible style of items, so they also want to surprise us with new personalities on heroes, such as Phantom Assasin, Crystal Maiden, Razor. Don't you think that the first two heroes should be replaced? It was more logical to give personalities to any other characters, except for PA and CM, because they at least already have an Arcane set. Here the logic of the developers is clearly unclear.

Stickers in Dota 2


An apparent copycat from another brainchild of Valve - CS: GO or another way to extract money from the fans, so these stickers can already be bought and sold. If in the case of CS, stickers can be considered appropriate and they are ready to be placed on weapons, glued on top of skins, then in Dota 2 this aspect was clearly decided not to be finalized.


Yes, Valve managed to get out of the situation by first adding a new page in the client of Dota 2 itself, where only you can see your collection of stickers. Another way to implement these stickers is to post them on your profile so everyone can see which team or player you support. Kind of weak, right?



We remind you that in 2023 VALORANT and Riot will formally unveil a brand-new map for the Lotus pool that includes three bomb locations reminiscent of Haven and unique elements like spinning doors and destructible walls. As with every new act, a new battle pass has also been published, offering both premium track prizes for those who buy the pass as well as countless free track awards for all players. Don't miss the chance to check all the rewards you can find in Ep 6 Valorant BP.



Summing up, this BP is clearly not going to beat the previous one, all Valve's tricks have failed and as a result, they have unsatisfied Dota 2 users. Will they do something about it? Unlikely, but still there is a micro-chance. We hope for the best, enjoy the game! 

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