CyberSport News
Posted 2024-09-05, 08:21

Accusation From Multiple Women Emerge Against CS2 Analyst Maniac

4 min read
On September 5th, Mathieu ‘Maniac’ Quiquerez, a well-known EPL broadcaster and former player, resigned from his position after being hurled with sexual assault allegations from multiple women. One day prior, Hannah Marie ZT, a freelance esports journalist, published a statement, sharing her experience with Maniac at a CS2 afterparty, specifically the BLAST Premier Fall Finals, London Afterparty.

The next day, Maniac responded to the allegations in disagreement with the version of events whilst simultaneously stepping down from his position on the EPL broadcast. Shortly after, esports interviewer and host, Daisy “Dampptowel” reinforced Hannah’s statement by sharing her own experience with Maniac at the same party.

Accusation From Multiple Women Emerge Against CS2 Analyst Maniac

What have all three parties stated?


In Hannah’s statement, she stated that Maniac "groped, inappropriately touched, ground on, and grabbed” her from behind despite showing “clear discomfort and no reciprocation". She also added that "although Maniac was intoxicated, he appeared very much aware of his actions." Marie reported the alleged incident, which occurred from 11 PM to 2 AM at an afterparty following a CS2 event, to a “relevant company” without disclosing its name due to “confidentiality reasons.” 


In Maniac’s response, he disagreed with Hannah’s version of events. For instance, he stated that he arrived at the party at 12:30 AM via Uber, a claim he can back up with receipts. He also stated that the flirting was mutual according to his recollection of the night. Regardless, however, he said: ​​"If I missed the cues that the promiscuity wasn't accepted anymore. this is completely on me and outright unacceptable. Even if I do not accept this version of the events as truth, this person has the right to have experienced them as such, and I won't fight back on that."


Shortly after Maniac’s response, esports interviewer and host Daisy "Dampptowel" strongly supported Hannah’s claims by sharing her own experience from the very same event. Similar to Hannah, she claimed that she "was also groped multiple times by Maniac at the party. In full view of [her] fiancé." Daisy says that the interaction was "clearly non-consensual and I said no and tried to escape multiple times." 


Perhaps the most important part of Dampptowel’s response was highlighting how Maniac had also sexually assaulted other girls that night: “He chased me down across the dance floor and followed me around the venue. There are witnesses to this. It was scary and a lot of girls there expressed the same feelings and similar groping and other unacceptable behavior from Maniac that night, recounting other times as well.”


Although Maniac has stepped down from his spot on the EPL broadcast, he has yet to respond to Dampptowel’s claims.

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