Dota 2
Dota 2
Game Reviews
Posted 2022-10-15, 13:08

How can I barely escape herald?

John Dow
John Dow
6 min read
Increasing MMR points will be relevant for a long time, probably until it is removed from Dota 2 or replaced by something else. Players will always wonder how to properly and effectively increase their MMR. If you want to play with good players, not noobs, and have an excellent rating. Try to do a few things, which I described below. If you set a goal - to raise solo MMR, then you need to know how the matchmaking rating system works: if you win, you get +30, if you don't, then -30 (sometimes more, sometimes less.) So, it turns out that you should win more often than lose, and then you should figure out what and how to do that.
How can I barely escape herald?

Chose a signature hero to raise MMR

You have to clearly understand that you have to play better than those you get in ranked games, so often, you have to step away from your favorite role and take a support-hero or heroes to key positions where they don't exist now.

Because it's easier to find an adequate carry than it is to find competent support, but if the game drags on, then all the responsibility will be on the shoulders of your teammates, because the first time they do the best they can, the outcome of the game depends on them. 


To understand what heroes in Dota 2 are in the meta now, you just need to play a few ranked games and see the professional matches. There will be seen which hero is the best bending. But remember, while you're learning one hero's abilities and coming up with something new, he may be out of the meta by the time you learn how to play it well. That's why you should always have your hero pool that are comfortable to play with.

How can I barely escape herald?

Look at your Dota 2 stats - Dotabuff

  • Go to your Dotabuff profile.
  • Click on the tab "Heroes" and "Highest WinRate".
  • Select for yourself those heroes on which you have good statistics (high win rate and KDA) with a sufficient number of games, and play them in the ranked games.

By picking your best heroes this way, you'll find what works for your ranking and fits your playstyle, saving you a lot of time and nerves.

Communicate properly

  • Always share your thoughts with your team during the peak, what's best to take, and what can and will be outlawed
  • Provide the teammates with the maximum amount of information (only useful, do not try to talk the whole game about nothing)
  • Do not be arrogant and do not insult anyone for the lack of wards or gank, as this will not bring good for you and the team.

The ability to concede in Dota

Another important and positive quality to improve your Dota 2 ranking is the ability to surrender your teammates' positions and heroes: if someone is in your mid-line, give it to them and don't pick a hero, a feed, or a double mid - it's total crap, because you will never achieve anything this way. Just choose a different position and hero, for instance, a core or a hardliner. If you can't do it, take a side port and do everything you can to win, not the other way around.

Chose the right server

Choosing the server has a lot to do with it. If a player goes to an American or European server and does not know English, it will be challenging to communicate with the team, and it will create additional pressure and an obstacle to the game itself.

Farm, farm, farm

The main thing here is to farm and farm, but we're not saying that you have to farm the whole game, for example, in the woods, without helping the team. You need to understand that you have to farm the creeps quickly and correctly to buy the right items as early as possible and help your team win the mid-lane or other line. Try to be happy, and keep an eye on your mental health. Don't play ten games in a row.

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