Dota 2
Dota 2
Posted 2022-11-24, 13:06

Is Zeus the best mid-hero of patch 7.32c?

John Dow
John Dow
6 min read
Meet the son of Cronos! Today we will talk about a hero named Zeus. After all, according to statistics on Dotabuff, Zeus has a 53% win rate. In the Pro scene and in general, he is extremely popular. Maybe after this article, you want to try playing it or learn something new about yourself. Let's know what pros and cons this hero had. Let’s cut to the chase!
Is Zeus the best mid-hero of patch 7.32c?

Where were we? Ahhh, Zeus. This is a hero who usually plays mid, but some nerds can play pos-4/5 as well. Zeus is a competent nuker who uses magic damage in his strikes. Your whole skill set is fantastic. As an Int hero, you have a very high magical damage rating, allowing you to go on the offensive with your ultimate. describes a complete review of this hero, with the help of which you will better know the pros and cons of this char.


Is Zeus the best mid-hero of patch 7.32c?



Perfect magic damage is both a single target and a group of enemies. Zeus has one of the highest total damage in Dota. You can disclose invisible enemies using the Lightning Bolt and Thundergod's Wrath skills. Thanks to the Static Field passive, Zeus can deal magic damage based on the target's health. Although Zeus' primary skills do not pierce magic immunity, the hero remains relevant later in the game. With Thundergod's Wrath, you can efficiently finish off fleeing enemies, regardless of location. The central skills recharge quickly, and everything rests only on the presence of mana. 



Zeus has a short attack range. The attack animation is super uncomfortable, and will take a long time to get used to it. Last-hitting is difficult, especially if you play 1x1 against SF, Clinkz, Sniper. There is only a micro stun from Lightning Bolt. Zeus hasn’t mobility skills, and there is no way to quickly left the fight. At the beginning of the game, there is a lack of mana.



Your task is to focus on creeps. Zeus had good melee damage (55-63). Arc Lightning will help both last-hitting creeps and deal damage to the opponents. So, make it your mission to kill each creep and deny your own. Undoubtedly, Zeus is a hero that depends on artifacts. Also, be careful with mana, and don't forget to drop Null Talisman when drinking Bottle. Keep in mind that Zeus is not a mobile hero. It’s recommended to complete 3 necessary tasks: control runes and block creep waves, so they stay on your HG (High Ground).


If you're playing against Viper or Lina, don't waste time trying to kill them. Stacking a small camp at 1:53, taking the Water Rune, and returning to the line is better. This will be more efficient than spending all your mana.


Is Zeus the best mid-hero of patch 7.32c?


Skill build

We recommend boosting Arc Lightning and Heavenly Jump. After you have pumped these two skills, you can calmly run around the map. You don't always need to stand in the middle lane, only early game. Wait for your key artifacts and appropriate level, and be proactive with your team.

Clarity restores your mana by six mana points for 25 seconds. And if you don't purchase Aghanim’s Shard, then it's not clear why you play Zeus. Shard returns the Zeus passive, meaning if you attack an enemy with any skill, they take 9% damage from their current health. Playing as Zeus is simple; there are no tricks or secrets. The entire gameplay can be described in a couple of sentences. With enough mana, Zeus will always be able to kill a weak opponent, and with the right purchase, he will generally begin to make kills one after another.



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