Posted 2022-10-07, 15:05

El1an, goodbye Entropiq

John Dow
John Dow
5 min read
Over the past year, more and more questions have been received about El1an. What about him? Why did his game get weaker? Lots of talk about him leaving the team. Lately, everyone has heard that he will most likely leave Entropiq. And just recently, there was an announcement about his departure. The player shared details about this situation on his social networks.
El1an, goodbye Entropiq

Remember that on September 15, Alexey decided to leave the team and was put up for transfer. The player has been playing under the Entropiq organization tag since May 2021. In this lineup, he established himself as an average tier 1.5 or even tier 1 sniper and, together with Entropiq, almost went to the “Legends” stage at the major in Stockholm, losing three games in a row after a 2-0 score in matches: 

Well, the announcement has finally come out. I want to thank all the guys with whom I played, we went through a lot, and there is something to remember. That should have happened before. Even before Melbourne, right after the RMR qualifier, I wrote to my teammates that after Australia, I would leave. Therefore, it was not a surprise for everyone; everyone was just waiting for the announcement.

A few words about future professional plans:

Why is it necessary to say goodbye? Self-doubt, last year I was not at all like myself. I didn’t recognize myself, and I had poor morale, because of which I made weak decisions in the game, and therefore the whole team game collapsed. I have been working with Mitya, Andrey, and Alexey since 2017, yes, intermittently, but still.

El1an, goodbye Entropiq

About the balance of aggression after retirement:

The mind indeed intervenes where everything should happen without its participation, automatically. Claims, quarrels, and tantrums have accumulated, and they kill confidence. And how does it work? The tension inside me ruins my whole game and the feeling that I am in the right place. I need to rest, think about my life, and be alone.  Spectators and fans should understand me. Everyone knew this would happen, they were just afraid to talk about it.

A couple of comments about post-stress impressions:

I think everyone will benefit from my departure, maybe the boys will upgrade and start playing better with freshness. I hope everything goes well for them. I will also return to the previous level and not only return but grow. Change is always for the better, and nothing can be done about it. Stay where you are. It will never bring success. Do you understand? I don't say goodbye to CSGO. I want to say goodbye to my mental problems, stress, and bad morale. I need to become stronger and wiser, more stress-resistant.

El1an, goodbye Entropiq

Short summary:

Now for a month or two, until the end of the major, I will replace the leading players from time to time, play a lot individually, play mixes, and bring back the feeling that I am the boss. In October, I will start streaming Faceit. There I can answer some of your questions. And yes, this is a hackneyed phrase, even a meme one in the CIS, but I have never cheated about this, and every time I wrote it, it happened. You don't need to deceive yourself. We need to look at the world from a realistic point of view and accept the inevitable.

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