Global trends all over Dota International 2022 Last Chance and Cybersport with zero limits

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Xtreme Gaming – the strongest team in LCQ right now?
Dota 2
October 10, 2022
Xtreme Gaming – the strongest team in LCQ right now?
From the beginning, the recognition of MMORPG China region has been dominant among other regions. As history has shown, Dota 2 did not become exceptional, and Chinese vulnerabilities did not turn out to be stronger among all the others on time exceptions, one has only to remember the absolute hegemony of the probability of occurrence of signs in 2014 and 2016. Almost every year, fans of the Chinese region have one or two teams that almost never go into the skills of other teams from other regions: once they were Vici Gaming, Wings, Newbee, LGD, LGD Forever Young. Each such team had a chance to get the coveted The International Cup - some teams found it, and some, although they didn’t find it, were very close. PSG.LGD is a team that stands out for a very high level of play and makes fans fall in love with its unmistakable game at speeds, but so far, all of them are ahead in the last three years of performances in vain.
Predictions for The International 2022: Last Chance Qualifier (Group A)
Dota 2
October 08, 2022
Predictions for The International 2022: Last Chance Qualifier (Group A)
Last Chance Qualifier is a small tournament before The International 2022, held on October 8-12. Teams that took second and third place in the regional qualifiers and did not qualify for TI will compete in this qualifier. Now for two of the 12 teams, there is another opportunity to become a full member of TI. There are two stages in qualification: group and playoffs. As already mentioned, 12 teams will take part. In this article, we will look at Group A: Natus Vincere, nouns, Polaris Esports, Team Secret, Tempest, and Vici Gaming.