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How to be the strongest pos-3 player: AMMAR VS SabeRLight playstyles
Dota 2
September 24, 2022
How to be the strongest pos-3 player: AMMAR VS SabeRLight playstyles
From time to time, we observe how Dota 2 masters exploit non-meta heroes at professional tournaments. Especially its true story about pos-3 role. Once somebody wins and everyone instantly starts apeing their playstyle, especially in low-ranking pubs. In most cases, the result of such games obviously expected. That’s the theme I’d like to discuss today. Let’s analyze the real «success recipe» of 2 virtuoso pos-3 players in Western Europe.
Heroes that are better to avoid in patch 7.32b
Dota 2
September 20, 2022
Heroes that are better to avoid in patch 7.32b
Each patch has widespread but sometimes frankly weak heroes. Perhaps the popularity of such heroes is due to the new mechanics or some small buff. However, the result is always the same: players continue to play these heroes, losing MMR to themselves and their team. Today we will discuss the leading contenders for the black list of heroes.