Dota 2
Dota 2
Posted 2022-09-24, 11:05

How to be the strongest pos-3 player: AMMAR VS SabeRLight playstyles

John Dow
John Dow
Author CyberSport.io
8 min read
From time to time, we observe how Dota 2 masters exploit non-meta heroes at professional tournaments. Especially its true story about pos-3 role. Once somebody wins and everyone instantly starts apeing their playstyle, especially in low-ranking pubs. In most cases, the result of such games obviously expected. That’s the theme I’d like to discuss today. Let’s analyze the real «success recipe» of 2 virtuoso pos-3 players in Western Europe.
How to be the strongest pos-3 player: AMMAR VS SabeRLight playstyles


Ammar Al-Assaf (nickname: ATM/AMMAR) is one of the youngest players on the professional Dota scene, watched by “young gladiators hunter” Sebastian Deps (nickname: Ceb) from OG. AMMAR takes 64th place in the high matchmaking leaderboard as we can see on Dotabuff. His two most-played characters are Timbersaw and Mars. 


Timbersaw (Timber/Reezak) - 1045 matches played with 56% win rate. The AMMAR’s choice of this classic offlane fighter is clear: a lot of armor, good escape with Timberchain, as well as the ability to kill your opponent’s carry with Chakram, damaging him for 800 hitpoints in pair seconds. Timber is a real God-farming machine. He can farm creep waves using low mana skill combo Chakram + Whirling Death with a short cooldown, without losing game rhythm. Purchase additional health and armor items (Shiva’s Guard or Bloodstone) empowers Timber to such an extent, that opponents can’t kill him without contra, like Silver Edge, Hex, or Nullifier. Timber’s item build can be as diverse as possible, and sometimes AMMAR prefers to experiment with Aghanim’s Shard, Dagon, or Boots of Bearing.

Mars - 998 matches played and almost 59% win rate. Impressive maestro result! Mars has a long role-style transformation history. From mid-Mars by Dendi (B8) with Desolator to Boxi’s (Team Liquid) Mars with early Blink Dagger on Minor quals. Spear of Mars and Gods Rebuke allow not only to spam opponents, but also stun enemies carry for 3 seconds, which is very supreme in the mid and late game. Large HP margin and regeneration, in addition to Bulwark protection from melee, escape zero chances to enemy’s supports to kick Mars off the line. On level six Mars can easily smash any opponent's core, dealing almost 800-900 mixed physical and magical damage. However, it should be said that Mars really has a low mana pool. Nevertheless, this problem is smoothly solved and compensated by the presence of Soul Ring or a Magic stick. 

As we can see, AMMAR plays a stable, vintage style on long-proven personages, who initially have the supremacy of their abilities and permit AMMAR to dominate from the first game minutes.

SabeRLight (TSM)

Jonas (SabeRLight) Volek is a Czech national and professional Dota 2 player, who was one of the first to take 12,000 MMR points in January 2022. His aggressive playstyle is well-known to European gamers, which allowed him to burst professional Dota 2 community.  SabeRLight ranks 4th in the world according to the high MMR leaderboard. Let’s survey his road to the highway of top rank.


Legion Commander - 558 matches with 52% win rate. One of the best melee carry-killer, except perhaps Monkey King, Slark, or Ursa. Legion Commander has a huge, as-for-strength hero MS (330 MS), starts 72 physical attack damage with Quelling Blade, as well as good armor points. Due to the character’s Overwhelming Odds, it is insurmountable and illogical to kill Legion without stun or any other fixation, like hex or slow. Chasing Legion is also an unimaginable task because Press The Attack ability allows him to avoid any debuff, slow or temporary damage. Moreover, quintet of spells – Duel + Moment of Courage leaves enemy’s carry little chance to escape death. With acquiring of first Shadow Blade, Armlet, or Blade Mail, any opponent’s core hero will always be precarious and risky until Linken's Sphere or Aeon disk purchase. However, the Legion Commander requires constant team assistance and this is one of its significant disadvantages.

Axe - 358 matches and 60% win rate. Axe’s upgrade in 7.31 patch made him the most savage and wild threat to the range and melee safe lane heroes. Strengthening HP regen, increasing his strength patterns, and adding pure damage from Culling Blade was right exactly, what Axe had been waiting for so long. Although, early purchase of a cheap Vanguard mixed with Counterhelix accepts the ability to fast farm Blink Dagger and sponge quite 1400-1600 opponents’ damage. This type of “fat” Axe cannot be solo killed, in any case, you’ll need 2-3 heroes to force him out lane. With the purchase of Blink Dagger, Axe actually obtains some kind of “Mini Reverse Polarity” with a 20-second cooldown. This whole complex of skills makes permanent trouble to your opponents. In addition, Axe’s powers pierce the Black King Bar.

As a result, we see that SabeRLight occupies the 4th place in the leaderboard of MMR for fair, because his hero pool consists of personages with the maximum impact index at any peak of the game.


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