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Magnus as a core position in patch 7.33c
Dota 2
June 06, 2023
Magnus as a core position in patch 7.33c
In the ever-evolving world of Dota 2, every patch brings changes that significantly impact the meta and gameplay strategies. Patch 7.33c was no exception, introducing modifications that affect the viability of heroes in different positions. One hero that gained prominence in the primary position is Magnus.
How to be the best pos-1 Troll Warlord: guide
Dota 2
October 22, 2022
How to be the best pos-1 Troll Warlord: guide
Troll Warlord is a standard carry hero that always plays in the safe lane. The hero's strengths are laning, great farming potential, and the ability to be relevant in most matchups against other carry heroes at all stages of the game. For a long time, he was not taken in matchmaking and on the professional scene, but after the latest updates in the patch, the hero has changed for the better, which we can see based on his pick rate frequency.
YATOROGOD Morphling guide
Dota 2
October 09, 2022
YATOROGOD Morphling guide
Everyone has a favorite hero to play with. This character becomes your strongest, has the highest pick rate and win rate, and is the most focused and fun to play. All this is super cool at the level of a regular public ranking of its rating, but when such a hero helps to win major tournaments and get a lot of prize money, this is not just a hero - it's a signature.
Heroes that are better to avoid in patch 7.32b
Dota 2
September 20, 2022
Heroes that are better to avoid in patch 7.32b
Each patch has widespread but sometimes frankly weak heroes. Perhaps the popularity of such heroes is due to the new mechanics or some small buff. However, the result is always the same: players continue to play these heroes, losing MMR to themselves and their team. Today we will discuss the leading contenders for the black list of heroes.
Heroes that returned to meta after 7.32b release
Dota 2
September 17, 2022
Heroes that returned to meta after 7.32b release
Swiftly jump from 7.32 to 7.32b was very interesting for a number of heroes. Some of them became noticeably stronger, and some were in the spotlight for one week, after which they disappeared from the game “radar”. However, a couple of heroes got a “short vacation”, after which they returned to the meta with renewed spells. Today we will talk about such heroes. Let’s cut to the chase!