Dota 2
Dota 2
Posted 2023-02-11, 05:32


John Dow
John Dow
Author CyberSport.io
9 min read
To be clear, this essay is not about specific in-game strategies that will improve certain in-game abilities. We won't go into detail on how to improve your mid- or late-game play since Internet is filled with information on that subject. In this article, Cyber-Sport.io's authors go through several tips competitive players may use to improve their skills in Dota 2.

Each eSports fan more or less dreams to become a professional player in a specific cybersport discipline. Thousands of players have made Dota 2 their profession, but only a “lucky one" among them earns millions. Considering that Dota 2 can make the strongest players millionaires, the competition in this field is extremely high. Permanent competition does not allow skilled gamers to rest on their laurels. You have to train and boost your mastery, or you will be smashed by the other players tracking your every move. "My way or the highway!" as the saying goes. So what do you need to do to become a successful pro player? Let's find out the answers together with Cyber-sport.io.


Focus on quality, no quantity

"I've been playing Dota for 10 years now, but I'm still fishing on a low rating and have not achieved anything". You can often read similar statements and different memes on this topic, so what's the problem here?


Such players say 10,000 hours are enough for a gamer to become an expert in this field. However, this is a delusion. More than just playing for 10,000 hours is required because we all strive for comfort, and in the comfort zone, we do not originate. Let's get back to Dota and other esports disciplines: we have to practice everything as it is in the basics of the gameplay, but with one caveat - we must constantly think. 


First, be aware of what you're doing, where you are, and what you need to do on the map at all times. Secondly, constantly analyze how to improve your gameplay. Third, if you make mistakes, you must correct them separately and methodically to perform well in matches.


This is how it works in Dota and other esports games. Analysis of other players’ games and own replays. Each match requires deliberate and attentive practice. This is the formula for the effective development of a person. We must learn to recognize our weaknesses, break them down into targets, and spend hours correcting them, getting out of our comfort zone where you are playing 1-by-1 matches. For these purposes, you can start a personal diary and fix your mistakes as well as successes. Therefore, you may not need 10,000 hours to achieve a high MMR in the game.




Fix your game concentration

After the peak stage, think about your main game task. Make a conditional plan in your head for what you will do at the beginning of the match. So you start the thought process and concentrate on the match, removing extraneous thoughts.


During the game, constantly try to download your brain with questions: 

  1. What am I doing now sensibly and why?
  2. Can I do something more useful?
  3. Where am I supposed to be now?


This rule will help you stay aware of the moment and keep your concentration throughout the match. Over time, there will be fewer situations where you lose focus.




Mark your mistakes, not the others’

You are responsible only for your actions. Evaluate your misses, and at the same time, do not hesitate to tell your teammates if you want some game move from an ally. Everyone has a different understanding of game situations. Sometimes just telling your teammate how you see the game plan is enough. And if you want to point out a mistake to someone, do not criticize the person. Criticize only the mistake itself, and try to do it correctly, so your teammate does not lose motivation to play because of your reaction to his joint.




Keep positive mindset

Players have negative mental attitudes that greatly hinder and slow down progress. We will put them together correctly so that essential ways of thinking in your head lead to growth.


Here is a setup that will boost your self-confidence: "I don’t care how they evaluate me from the outside. The important thing is that I work on myself and do my best to progress".


There is a nuance - this does not mean you have to stop listening to criticism. The only question is your attitude toward this criticism and your failures. “It’s not scary if something doesn’t work out yet - the important thing is that I try. My shortcomings are my responsibility, and I deal with them”.


While someone pays attention to other people's shortcomings, you pay attention only to your own and correct them. Confirm this by writing down your steps and progress, no matter how small. And then someone else's opinion will cease to offend your confidence.




Don’t forget about MMR

MMR points always determine your overall micro and macro levels. It’s dogma! And don’t try to say: "The number of MMR points doesn't matter". This famous phrase, unfortunately, doesn't work for amateurs. MMR numbers are the only way to attract the attention of esports Dota talent hunters if you want to be noticed. They will only check you, and leagues will only invite you if you have a slot among TOP-100 Pros’ in your region. 


It doesn't matter how good you are, in most cases, professional Dota 2 will be closed to you if your MMR is low. Are you agree with us? Share your experience with Cyber-sport.io. Subscribe and follow the latest eSports news!

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