Today we will talk about one of the most successful Сeb's heroes in Competitive Dota 2 - Windranger. Sebastien "Ceb" Debs demonstrated incredible skill performing this personage in the previous Stockholm Major, winning 11 of the 12 games (95%+).
Windranger is a super universal hero. Players used to perform WR as an offlaner or roamer and rarely as pos-4. At least in professional games, WR prominent role is pos-2 (mid). Windranger's ultimate mission in the game is to provide disables, make solo kills, and focus key enemy heroes in mass fights. Ceb prioritizes mobility items at first. Windranger's most important ability as a support pos-5 is Shackleshot, and "shackling" two-man is far easier when you can account for the angle from which they initiate the battle.
Sebastien also prefers purchasing multiple assist artifacts to keep his hero ready to fight at all times. He continuously collects 2-3 teleport scrolls to help his mates anytime until the first night. As pos-5 support, WR has no outage time, which Ceb exploits to stay on the lane as long as possible.
Tranquil Boots is Ceb's first artifact for Windranger, and TB solves health problems for the rest of the match. Keep in mind a helpful hack that Windranger can avoid Tranquil Boots regeneration cooldown, all thanks to Windrun, which grants 100% misses and max move speed. WR can also press Windrun to avoid incoming physical attacks that are too principal when you harass opponents.
Magic Wand is the next WR item. The item provides +3 to all stats as well as the ability to restore 300 health and mana points, it seems like Mekasm for 2000 gold, but the total Magic Wand cost is 450 gold. Ceb frequently rushes either Magic Wand or Tranquil Boots at min 5, and by the end of the 10 min, he usually has both and additionally purchase Tome of Knowledge to skill Ultimate or level 3 Shackleshot.
At this game stage, the first Ceb's purchase is Blink Dagger. It will significantly increase your kill and gang potential. Blink Dagger will also be a useful acquisition, allowing you to choose an influential position for Shackleshot. With Tranquil Boots, Blight Stone, and Magic Wand, your principal task is to detect and stun enemies first until their counterattack, which is why Blink Dagger is a core item on the hero. During 5vs5 fights, Ceb casts Focus Fire exclusively on the strongest enemy cores. WR loses the opportunity to win the battle if you waste an ultimate on a pos-4/5.
Ceb usually buys Aghanim's Shard as soon as possible that's why he usually has 1000+ gold during 10-15 min. The confusing movement speed effect is one of the strongest present-day mechanics in Dota 2, and AG applies it in a massive area-of-effect. As you may remember, Gale Force's cast range was reduced to 1500 in Dota 2 patch 7.31. In patch 7.31d, the ability's push speed index was reduced. Despite these nerfs, Gale Force remains one of Dota 2's most "filthy" spells.
Black King Bar is one of the most critical items in Dota, especially versus magic-damage heroes, as well as Wraith Pact, a close second against hard physical damage personages. Wraith Pact grants core heroes useful auras, which reduce enemy damage by 30% and deals 30 damage per second. That's why WP is reasonable for a pos-5 support. Windranger has fast-farm ability thanks to Powershot, so you should stash Wraith Pact in the late game. Lotus Orb isn't the best match for Windranger, but Ceb prioritizes it in dozens of ranked games. The extra armor is functional, but Windrun is usually enough to avoid physical melee or range-contact damage in combat.