Posted 2022-12-22, 07:54

Economy in CS:GO: guide

7 min read
Each participant in a CS:GO match begins with the same amount, $800. Money is produced by successful activities like killing someone or planting/defusing a bomb. Even when a team loses a round, they still make money, although the amount is much lower. Losses are also beneficial. The basic rule is that your team will have more money if it is more successful from round to round. Let's talk about how to make it.
Economy in CS:GO: guide

Have you ever come across a situation where, after losing a couple of rounds, your allies have AK-47s, they also have armor, and you have only enough funds for an MP7 and one flash grenade? The economy has a powerful impact on the two teams throughout the game. You need to know the subtleties and basics of this part of the game. Below you will familiarize with the economy in CS:GO. What to buy? When to buy? What not to buy? How to buy it? You have already understood that such questions can be continued endlessly, but where are the answers? You will find out the answers together with Cyber-sport.io

How does economy work in CS:GO?

Money is a significant gameplay mechanic featured in the Counter-Strike series. In most game modes, players use money as a currency to purchase various weapons and equipment from the buy menu in the buy zone. Players start a match with a specified amount and will receive more as the match goes on, with the maximum possible amount a player can amass set to $16000. 


Money is provided for completing rounds regardless of being the victor or loser, but more currency is awarded for winning a round. By clicking on this link, you can see a table with detailed information about cash rewards for different actions. On servers that use plugins to give players large cash reserves, money management is less critical than on servers that do not artificially adjust them.

Economy in CS:GO: guide


How do you get money in CS:GO

CS:GO has a loss streak system. This system is the most essential part of the economy in the game. This system has the most impact on the game and what weapons you and the enemy will buy. This system allows the constantly losing side to avoid making constant force or eco. The loss streak system was created so that the team that lost 13 rounds would have a chance to win. That is the system around which your team must build their economy.


With a series of lost rounds, bonus money begins to be credited to you. The minimum you can get is $1400, and the maximum is $3400. This number depends on how many games in a row you lost. With each new lost round in a row, you will receive $ 500 more until you reach the limit. That’s why we have three rounds that depend on our economy: eco, force, and buy.


Economy in CS:GO: guide


Eco-round in CS:GO

Eco should be done in cases where you have enough money to buy a good weapon in the next round. If you play for the attack side and you have $1800 each. For your lose-streak, you will receive $1900. Thus, in the next round, you can buy AK-47 and armor. Many teams do simultaneous eco and buy so that some players can restore their economy and still not lose the chance to win the round. However, you can also do force rounds in 2 cases: 2 or more players cannot afford good weapons and armor, and you are confident in your shooting and dominance over the enemy. If these 2 points match - it's 100% force. Basically, it works after losing a pistol round.


Economy in CS:GO: guide


Save-round in CS:GO

We should always have an AK-47 and a second armor for the attack side. Then you have to buy grenades according to the situation. Grenades must always be bought to use them this round. It's a big mistake to purchase grenades in a round where you throw them away for nothing, without tactics or any benefit to your team. Such actions kill your economy and the economy of your team. On the defensive side, buying weapons should be treated more carefully. If you know that the opponents have a total buy, your purchase should only consist of weapons and first armor. If the enemy has an AK-47, the helmet will not save you.



Write in the comments: how much do AK-47, M4A1-S, Desert Eagle, Famas, and armor cost? Let's see how many readers know the price of the weapons they buy in each game. Share your minds with Cyber-sport.io. Subscribe and follow the latest eSports news!

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