Dota 2
Dota 2
Posted 2022-11-07, 04:13

Anti-Mage in 7.32c: craft review

7 min read
One of the most mobile heroes, one of the fastest attack-speed characters, and his name is Anti-Mage! There are a lot of AM's item builds, starting 1-3-1-3, ending with Chinese set up 1-2-3-+-+. We will consider skill builds that are relevant for the current ranked pub. Let's cut to the chase!
Anti-Mage in 7.32c: craft review

For donkey’s years, Anti-Mage has been the most well-known pos-1 hero among the Dota community; almost everyone has played at least 2-3 games as AM. He is one of those heroes who can solo win in any game (of course, it depends on the opponent's draft). In the late game, when everyone has good artifacts, none of the players wants to fight toe-to-toe with Anti Mage. However, time flies, and AM like each of the heroes, has its pluses and minuses, which Cyber-sport.io will analyze below.


Anti-Mage in 7.32c: craft review



Mobility is the lion's share of AM’s win rate. Due to his birth Blink ability, Anti Mage can quickly move around the map. Blink allows him to farm creeps as fast as possible, as well as engage in fights whenever possible, even if he hasn’t teleport scroll. Undoubtedly, AM has high late game potential, I’d rather say exclusively high late potential. As mentioned earlier, few personages can keep the tempo with the Anti-Mage in the late game stage because, due to his abilities and talents, with the key artifacts, he can kill all the enemy characters in one fight solo. 


It's not a secret that AM is an excellent counter-pick for any hero with predominantly magical damage, like Storm Spirit, Leshrak, Puck, or Crystal Maiden. He has the highest magic resistance index and burns mana in %. So, it is almost impossible to play against this hero on any magician 1vs1.



AM struggles on the early lane stage approximately against any range due to the absence of health points and regeneration. AM’s principal task in the early game is to farm as many creeps as possible. Since without artifacts, speedy Battle Fury, the hero is almost the weakest in the whole Dota universe. And, if you initiate an early fight with a lack of items, it’ll only make matters worse and decrease your team's victory chances. 


Of course, AM is entirely dependent on artifacts. If you don't get the Battle Fury in time and pick up the right pace, the enemies can break your throne faster than you can wipe out the game. AM has quite a low stats increase rate. Therefore, the player may encounter an issue related to their maximum health level throughout the game.


Anti-Mage in 7.32c: craft review


Early game

Farm, farm, farm! Playing carry position, you need to last hit as many creeps as possible, and if you pick Anti-Mage, it must be done with maximum diligence. Engaging in pointless fights will not be the best idea; better avoid bait attacks and carry on your farming mission. At this game stage, you need to pump all the abilities equally, focusing on Blink to max level. 


However, if there are many magic damage opponents in your lane, it makes sense to max the 3rd ability (Counterspell). You can buy start-boosting items such as Wraith Band, Magic Wand, and Power Threads, or even rush Battle Fury with naked Boots of Speed and Quelling Blade, 



You should finish your farm Odyssey and treasure artifacts that increase your fight potential. At this stage, you should already have Manta Style, Battle Fury, and Abyssal Blade in your backpack. If there is an opportunity to kill solo without harmful consequences for ourselves, then use this. Freeze in mind to carry teleport scroll to split-push side lanes to the maximum, pulling enemies away from the ally. Bear in mind to save 100 gold on a teleport scroll since, in 99% of cases, this cost will pay off several times.


Late game

At this game stage, AM reveals his full potential. He delivers a lot of trouble to opponents with proper measures. You can split lanes both alone and with a team, but remember your safety because, at any moment, the entire enemy team can trap you. Push HG separately, relying on help from allies in case of unexpected attack. We constantly push free lines to stretch opponents around the map. 


In terms of artifacts, everything is entirely situational, but players often take Eye of Skadi, Basher, and Butterfly for Anti-Mage. Quite rarely it’s Black King Bar. Nevertheless, I can say for sure that if you purchased BKB, it means that AM pick was deceitful. 


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