Dota 2
Dota 2
Posted 2022-10-04, 14:52

Spirit Breaker offlane monster: guide

John Dow
John Dow
6 min read
Spirit Breaker (Barathrum/Bara) is one of the nastiest heroes in Dota 2. You bet! His abilities, especially Greater Bash, make Barathrum extremely annoying and difficult to catch. He used to be very popular in ICCup and Garena but lost his “pub smasher” status for a while. Present-day Bara returns to the ranked matchmaking as pos-4 or pos-5 and resumes to cause a wave of opponents' indignation.
Spirit Breaker offlane monster: guide


Spirit Breaker offlane monster: guide

Bara has a tremendous amount of control through magic immunity. His first spell, Charge of Darkness, set stun effect with Aghanim’s Scepter, Greater Bash and Nether Strike - all of these abilities breakthrough Black King Bar. Incredible mobility helps to reposition in various game situations. Spirit Breaker can “locomote” a full map without teleport scrolls and stun opponents from anywhere on the spot, but you need vision. Barathrum has great stats set up, high HP pool, and birth magic resistance in addition to Bulldoze effects. It's a complex mission to kill Bara in the lane, especially if enemies haven’t control or root dispel. 


Personage has super extremely slow attack animation and attack speed. Despite the high melee damage, it is hugely difficult to farm creeps in the lane, a fortiori, and you haven’t farm-boost abilities. A slight increase in agility also affects this parameter in the future. Moreover, opponents can interrupt Charge of Darkness and Nether Strike by any control, as well as the Bulldoze buff dispelled. Summarized, Bara is an easily nullified character. For example, Invoker can “stop” Charge of Darkness with Cold Snap, Tornado, or Blast. Shadow Demon, Vengeful Spirit, Techies, or Ember Spirit can prevent or decrease his move speed due to their skills. 

Early game

Spirit Breaker offlane monster: guide

Pos-3 Spirit Breaker can’t stay solo and requires strong lane support. It is a desirable range or melee one. His main task is to secure the lane by harassing enemies until Bara 4-5 level. At the same time, Bara +1 mate can easily make frags if only you are lucky with the Greater Bash. Bara is not afraid of various debuffs thanks to Bulldoze, so his survivability increases noticeably. From minute one, try to pick up for 2x Bracer or even Orb of Corrosion, but only after Boots of Speed. Thus, by the first Tome of Knowledge, Spirit Breaker should ideally have Phase Boots, Magic Wand, Bracer, and some other transitional items. It can be either an Urn of Shadows or any component of an Echo Saber, Lotus Orb, Black King Bar, or Shadow Blade.

Mid game

Right now, Baratrum begins to roam the entire map, make assists and check the opponent's vision. This hero is effective in solo\semi gangs, so his team may split-push side lanes while Bara “amuses” the enemy team. You also can press certain items and Bulldoze, and it's better not to forget about it. Remember to use Phases Boots to speed up Charge of Darkness, which empowers the stun effect. Moreover, try to activate Bulldoze in advance to defend against upcoming silence, hex, and stun effects. Bara can survey and observe enemies with Charge of Darkness, that’s why he is too powerful contra Tinker, Slark, Bounty Hunter, and other invisible owners. The best mid-game items for pos-3 Bara are Shadow Blade, Echo Saber, and fast Aghanim's Scepter. You can rush to the first slot if you outperform your lane.

Late game

Late game Barathrum tends to get stronger, but heroes with if Nullifier, Eul's Scepter, or Witchbane are still dangerous, so combine your phys-damage build with Lotus Orb, Silver Edge, Black King Bar, Aghanim's Scepter, Aeon Disk, or Heaven's Halberd if you're in dire need of disarming effect. If opponent's team always crowds and mob “5-man-style” around the map, it is better to charge 1spell to the farthest enemy in order to stun the rest along the way. Try to use Nether Strike to the highest priority target or personages with BKB or birth spell immunity.


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