Posted 2023-01-30, 16:07


John Dow
John Dow
Author CyberSport.io
5 min read
Want to know is Warframe cross-platform? Well, we’ve got a fairly definitive answer for you. Plus we’ve taken a look ahead to see what your Warframe crossplay gaming options will be like in the very near future. So join us as we find out the truth about Warframe cross-platform gaming!


Your Warframe crossplay options now are almost nonexistent. This is so that you can only play the game with other people using the same gaming platform. This implies that PC users can only play against other PC users, and the same is true for users of the PlayStation, XBox, and Switch.


While somewhat upsetting, this situation is not totally unexpected. After all, the first Warframe game was launched in 2013, a year in which cross-platform gaming was almost unheard of.


However, it's become obvious that something has to be done to bring Warframe up to par as demand for cross-platform capabilities has skyrocketed. As we will see below, it seems that there is a chance to play this third-person shooter against other players, irrespective of the platform they are using.


Warframe crossplay's official release date is still unknown, although it doesn't seem to be too far off. This is due to Digital Extremes, the game's developers, making it obvious that cross-platform gameplay for Warframe is unquestionably in the works in July 2022.


In a statement, Digital Extremes claimed to have "investigated Cross Play possibilities and conducted internal testing" during the previous year. Additionally, the games publisher said that inventories were already getting synchronized across all platforms and that this testing will extend into community testing in 2022. This suggests that in a couple of months, crossplay possibilities may be available.

That Digital Extremes is "fully dedicated to the deployment of Cross Play and Cross Save" and that the company "strives to allow everyone across every platform play smoothly from wherever and whenever they want" are the major takeaways from this. We don't know what more to say if that's not good news about Warframe being one of the newest cross-platform free games!





Unfortunately, there isn't any cross-progression with Warframe at the moment, much as the solutions given above. Cross progression is the ability to save your game on one gaming platform and continue playing where you left off on another.


Due to Warframe's lack of cross-progression, it seems that you would have to restart from scratch if you had been playing on a PlayStation 4 and then wished to play on an Xbox One.

Although this is disappointing, Digital Extremes has said that a cross Save feature is in the works and will likely be available soon. All of this gives us optimism that Warframe could soon include a cross-progression feature like the Genshin Impact progression, which enables cross-platform play using the same save.




If there's one thing we can take away from this, it's to never give up on the idea of cross-platform gaming. After all, Warframe's developers have been made aware that players demand crossplay features, and it seems that pressure from the public may eventually yield a favorable outcome. Share your experience with Cyber-sport.io. Subscribe and follow the latest eSports news!

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