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Dire VS Radiant: what is the reason of the misbalance win rate
Dota 2
October 03, 2022
Dire VS Radiant: what is the reason of the misbalance win rate
Since Garena's time, it’s known that there is a polarity in the win rate between Scourge and Sentinel. This disproportion had persisted in Dota 2 with Dire and Radiant fractions since 2012 when I received an invitation letter from Valve. According to Dotabuff statistics, the same heroes picked by Team Radiant have an average of 3-5-7-9% win index over Dire. This means that you're more reasonably getting the victory with Team Radiant than with Dire. However, why?
Dota 2 best heroes to boost MMR
Dota 2
September 02, 2022
Dota 2 best heroes to boost MMR
Dota 2 has unique, and at times unfair, methods of ranking eSportsmen. Matchmaking points aren’t just numbers in your account profile that increases or decreases with each game you win/lose. Many cyber athletes strive to increase their MMR and spam 2-3 meta heroes.
How did Nisha from Liquid get almost 91% win rate in ranked matches?
Nisha has won 22 of the last 24 matches played. Only two maps for Storm Spirit and Kunkka were lost by the esportsman. According to Dotabuff statistics, the player's smurf account is ranked 73rd on the European ladder, with an overall win rate of over 75%.