These two techniques allow you to obtain skins directly from the Steam inventory and inspect links for CS2 skins:
Navigating to and copying from your inventory is one way to obtain a CS2 inspect link. Just log into your Steam Account, find your preferred skin, right-click on it, and choose "Inspect in Game." For later in-game review, copy this link to your clipboard.
The procedure is somewhat different if you would be interested in a skin listed on the Steam Community Market. Log into your Steam account first from a web browser, then visit the Steam Community Market. Look for the skin you're interested in, then hover over the small triangle near the skin’s picture until it shows the option "Inspect in Game." Use it directly in the game or copy the link.
In-game skin inspection is the process of directly examining weapon skins within CS2 before buying or trading. Here's how to quickly use the CS2 skin link for in-game inspection once you have duplicated it: