Posted 2022-12-20, 09:28

Map timings in CS:GO: tutorial

John Dow
John Dow
Author CyberSport.io
9 min read
Timings in CS:GO are improving and becoming more stable every day. Why? Nowadays, simple moves and AIMing are not enough. The game goes ahead and makes you calculate, analyze, and fathom! You will learn the timings of peeks, grenades, and much more in this article.
Map timings in CS:GO: tutorial

Counter Strike Global Offensive has many parameters and values that can affect the performance of a particular user. This is not only setting graphics, computer mouse, and video, but also timings. What is it? Timing is a time period during which something happens. For example, at the time of 1:50, the CT will reach the B point. The terrorists, at the same time, will only be at the beginning of their base. It is impossible to remember all time intervals, at least at a time. This should take hundreds of hours of active play. Of course, to facilitate this process, you can use training materials, and Cyber-sport.io team'll help you to make it right now!


Starting timings and respawn

The first respawn should be used as often as possible. If you don't know how to do it right or don't know the timings, it's better to learn it first and then act. Without it, there is a high risk of just walking around and dying. If you want to speed up your learning, watch a few videos about starting timings on a map you often play on. So you can understand which respawn is the fastest and who will be the first to be able to peek at a certain angle. 


Numerous players say that timings are always better on the defensive side, but this is a lie. It all depends on your respawn and map. The defense side takes a lot of places earlier, but there are a lot of such places on the attack side, especially with AWP. Lots of timings to learn and feel. You have to learn how to position yourself correctly by combining timings and respawns.


Map timings in CS:GO: tutorial


Grenades timings

Grenades also have their timings that you need to understand. The smoke lasts 17-18 seconds. Molotov cocktail burns for 7 seconds. The flash grenade explodes 1.6 seconds after being thrown. There are timings for throwing a grenade. Throwing a flash grenade to enter the bombsite should always be around 48-50 seconds. On the defensive side, you need to know when and where this flash grenade will fly. Risky flash grenades should not be thrown early in the round. Fire. 


There are situations when you need to run over the fire for a surprise effect, but do not abuse it. If you play on the defense side and throw fire - you can be sure that no one will come out there for the next 7 seconds. 2-3 seconds while the incendiary grenade flies, you need to control the place where you threw the fire. Smoke. Here the situation is a little more complicated. The smoke will block the exit for 20 seconds, but how often have the opponents run into the smoke and killed you? Smoke does not guarantee safety; smoke only gives you a slight advantage. It would help if you were prepared for this outcome.


Map timings in CS:GO: tutorial


Understanding timings and styles

Many people say at the time of death, "what unfortunate case".  The main task is that your opponents say it more often, and you say it less. What does a moment like this usually look like? You control the point for a long time, and the enemy attacks and kills you as soon as you turn away. In the second moment, you take out a grenade, and at this moment, the enemy makes a lunge and kills you unarmed. 


There are many such moments, but the reason is always the same - careless play and inattention. In order not to catch "bad" timing, you need to focus only on the game, throw smoke if you can be killed from two positions, do not do stupid actions, and reload in cover. If you have several distances that need to be controlled, control the close ones. If there is smoke, it is not a fact that the opponent will not enter it. That also needs to be understood. 


Frequently, players relax after killing an opponent. The player starts to reload, take aim, and another enemy suddenly appears and kills. You must understand that opponents often want to play in exchange. Positioning is also important. Keep an eye on your scope, cover from places you don't control, and make proper scope clearance when playing near sharp corners. Analyze all the enemy's actions and make small predictions about the enemy's options. Always play based on information about opponents.


Map timings in CS:GO: tutorial


Extra timings in CS:GO

Reloading, graffiti, b-hop, illiterate movement on the map, chaotic weapon switching, rash grenades out of timing, knife, skin inspection. All this needs to be minimized, and it is better to eliminate it. These things spoil your game, distract you, and prevent you from concentrating. Most often, these things are fatal. These things are like parasitic words in the lexicon. That is an involuntary clogging of the game that will never help you. It only takes time, and time forgives no one. 



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