Dota 2
Dota 2
Posted 2022-11-10, 06:15

Viper – best long-range offlaner of 7.32c

6 min read
For many players who have never faced Viper pos-3, the appearance of a new offlaner in this Dota season was a novelty. Valve, in my opinion, will modify Viper so that he cannot solo destroy easy lane. All this may be in future updates, but for now, enjoy the moments of imbalance. It's a piece of cake!
Viper – best long-range offlaner of 7.32c

Viper is one of the heroes that was not touched in the 7.32c patch. Maybe because the stats are less than 50% win rate, and to be precise (49%) right now. However, he has one of the highest win rates, especially among pro and high MMR players.


Viper is a hero who can stand on any line, but his strongest line is usually mid. There we can get the experience we need, and the initial items needed for gangs of other lines. But there is a very strange meta taking Viper to the offline lane and dominating the opponent's carry. Cyber-sport.io talks about one of the best heroes to boost MMR playing pos-3. Let’s go down the business!


Viper – best long-range offlaner of 7.32c


Tactics and strategy

If you want to play pos-3 Viper, you need to understand that this hero depends on your micro and macro skills. There's even a saying among high MMR players: if you pop Viper you want to win the lane, but you still need to win the game. Pick pos-3 Viper or Razor and you will 100% win this lane, it doesn't matter what carry is against you. It's not stunning because if you survey the Pro scene, you can fathom that in almost every game this hero is interested in the offline lane. 


It is even necessary to support this hero in order to prevent him from an early death. You shall not pick Viper, when the enemy team has illusionist heroes such as Naga Siren, or Phantom Lancer. It will be difficult to distinguish a real hero from an illusion. Viper's main task is to oppress the enemy carry player and knock him out of the lane. 


Viper – best long-range offlaner of 7.32c


Skill build

First things first, deny your creeps as much as possible. However, if you are pressed by enemy supports (and they will do it), then every creep you hit is a plus in your team's net worth. Just try calmly dominating the lane, maybe even if everything is good, make a gang or help your mid-hero, if nothing is good there. 


There will be one Viper on the lane, but support is mandatory as well, especially at 3-6 min. A good and reliable pick is Crystal Maiden - it slows down enemy heroes, and controls and regenerates mana, which Viper simply needs. You can also take Viper pos-3, if the enemy carry is Ursa, Sven, and Faceless Void with melee supports. 


Usually, the Poison Attack is pumped first to maximize the damage that stacks as well. It is not recommended to max Nethertoxin first, because this skill is usually used to farm the jungle. If we stand unsupported, 1x2, or even 1x3, we need to pump Corrosive Skin to increase our magic resistance that allows Viper to stay lane safety. When you get to level 6, it's not good to stay AFK and farm, as soon as we get the ultimate, we immediately go to gang all over the map or simply demolish all Tier 1 towers. 


Item build

Years ago, there was even a small chip when you purchased a fast Shadow Blade, then bypassed the enemy carry, cast Viper Strike, and killed solo. Present-day players prefer to purchase Power Treads, Magic Stick, Dragon Lance, AgS, and Black King Bar, so Viper can solve a lot of both magic and physical damage.  



Are you Viper fan? What is your craft skill build for Viper? Share your minds with Cyber-sport.io. Subscribe and follow the latest eSports news!

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