Dota 2
Dota 2
Posted 2022-09-24, 10:44

Let’s talk about the new Boots of Bearing

John Dow
John Dow
7 min read
Current Dota game style brought some new visions of heroes and items exploitation. Especially, its true sight about new items: Wraith Pact, Revenant's Broach, and Boots of Bearing. The last one is an attempt to return fast-push game manner with Beastmaster, Natures Prophet, Enigma, Chen, and Juggernaut. Maybe you still remember the five-man-push mid strategy or three-way lane with Vengeful Spirit+Dazzle+Luna combo, which ruins base in a 15-minutes border. It seems to me that long-forgotten 2013-2015 fast-push years return.
Let’s talk about the new Boots of Bearing

Main Characteristics 

Let’s talk about the new Boots of Bearing

The total cost of Boots of Bearing is 4125 gold. The new item consists of Tranquil Boots (925 gold), Drum of Endurance (1,700 gold), and an expensive recipe (1,500 gold). It's the first time when Valve combined valuable early game items with Tranquil Boots. Single Tranquil Boots is a super-efficient start item for supports. Low-cost parts (Ring of Regen, Wind Lance, and ordinary Boots of Speed) permit supports to purchase it in 3-4 min, restore health permanently, and always be ready to attack the opponent. Tranquil Boots is also suitable for roaming personages, such as Bounty Hunter, Earthshaker, Doom Bringer, Keeper of the Light, and course, Pudge. 


The item's attributes bonuses – 65 additional movement speed and 13 points HP regen fully combine and stack with inherent hero’s speed-up and health regeneration abilities. That’s why you no need to worm on base for health-restoring consistently. At the same time, Drum of Endurance grants permanent 7 strength and intelligence, as well as extra move and attack speed for your ally mates. Remember that Boots of Bearing's and Drum of Endurance bonuses don’t combine.  Hero is currently affected by one of both and can’t be affected by another item. 

Let’s talk about the new Boots of Bearing

Finally, it’s rare when you can survey Tranquil Boots and Drums al mismo. The following items benefits are actually only in the early lane stage and don’t offer you auxiliary escape from fast-focus damage, silence, or magical cast. Moreover, Tranquil Boots HP regen index loses profitability when teamfights start spreading the full map, as well as Drum of Endurance also no longer has significant value once it drops total charges. In addition, the biggest problem of Boots of Bearing is a high-cost recipe (1500 gold). 

Efficiency and bonuses

These investment earnings for support players should not disburse to buy items with valuable components. Surely, that 1500 gold isn’t the most costly item in Base Shop. For real, there are many cost-effective things, which guarantee your hero bonuses, escape, or extra farm tempo, such as Glimmer Cape, Ghost Scepter, Midas, And the price of these items lower or the same as ordinary recipe of Boots of Bearing, which grants your hero nothing. 

Suitable heroes for Boots of Bearing purchase

Best heroes for BB

Boots of Bearing gives 50 additional attack speed and 15% MS to nearby ally mates for 6 seconds. It means that a new item is appropriate for roaming-focused semi-supports, like Barathrum, Bounty Hunter, Skywrath Mage, Techies, or Pudge. Sometimes roaming supports can accumulate 5-6 frags on game start, which allow purchasing Drum of Endurance in one-finger click. In this case, Tranquil Boots is obliged for roamers to keep them spell-active in a mini-map. That’s why you can combine Drums with Tranquil Boots into one slot to free place for save-life items, like Magic Wand, Force Staff, 1-2 Bracers, or supplying team units – Wards, Smokes, and Dusts. 


Drum of Endurance is a great option for Tuskar, Slardar, or Nature's Prophet pos-5. Purchased in the middle of the game and provides excellent stats for low-health support as well as speed buffs to teammates. It rewards your team with a significant advantage in push or high-ground assault. Keep in mind that the primary privilege of Boots of Bearing is an initial 1.5 seconds buff; the affected target entirely immune to MS slows spells. So, don’t ignore Boots of Bearing when your opponent's team picks Warlock, Medusa, Venomancer, or Treant Protector. It's recommended to purchase new Boots for heroes with high-rise HP, like Bristleback, Axe, or Centaur Warchief. An additional 15 health regeneration upgrades their survivability during long-drawn-out team fights.


Boots of Bearing have few practical things going for them and impose a fast-push game mode. In truth, new Boots aren’t perfect and have fewer options for purchase in every public because of weak team communication and synergy. It seems to me that this item occurs only for specific game conditions, when all your ally team requires has already been bought, and you have secondary gold to upgrade your push or mass fight potential. 


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