Posted 2023-04-26, 07:34


9 min read
CS:GO squad from Fnatic is among the best ever. With a core of Swedish superstars, we won three Major championships and dominated every event throughout our unstoppable run from 2013 to 2015. Despite having been around for a while, Fnatic's core CS:GO squad remains one of the most feared in the whole globe. Fnatic CS:GO is preparing for the next unstoppable age of Black and Orange dominance with some outstanding new players.

Not so long, one CS:GO team has risen above the entire podium. Which also suddenly turned into a mediocre middleweight. Cyber-sport.io. team will talk about Fnatic, the team that was the first in history to win two majors in a row, was involved in a lot, and was built on the wishes and power of the players. 


Team Fnatic: how it started


Before signing an all-Swedish lineup, Danes represented them, including the famous Xyp9x and karrigan. In whose place were signed progressive guys Devilwalk, schneider, JW and flusha. It was a symbiosis of young and experienced players gaining a high growth rate.


Their style of play wasn't focused on a strategic approach and their Captain MODDII was more of a leader than a strategist, steadily slumping over the teammates. The replacement was inevitable. The Invite of pronax shifted Vector's focus to strategy and teamwork. And after only two months, unexpectedly for the entire community, the Swedes will be the world champion of Dreamhack 2013. But success was fleeting. 


Of course, these five jumped over the head, but they still gained a foothold in the top 8 of the World Ranking. However, no one was happy, so the first serious conflict occurred inside the team. The consequence will be the transfer of Devilwalk to the coach and the departure of Schneider from the squad. 




Fnatic: first conflict 


In one final, they lost to Olofmeister`s squad. The gorgeous Olof was a subject of interest to many organizations, and Fnatic wasn`t an exception. Coming alone, he did not want to, putting everyone else's choice to free up two slots. The problem was that only one Devilwalk link made sense to replace, schneider fit in very well with the team and suited Pronax as a player. It was the captain who tried to keep this squad together, JW saw him as a competitor because he started to show good game as the second AWP and pretended to be the leader. 


Decided the majority, where played a factor of friendship between flusha and JW. It happened as unexpectedly and even somewhat unfairly because of the egocentric desire of one of the players. But at the same time, this decision was at the level of winning the lottery for the entire team. The symbiosis with the new players turned the already robust JW and flusha into geniuses of the game. Fnatic was slowly but surely getting closer to their second world title, which will happen in Katowice 2015. 


But as we all know, empires crumble from the inside. After two championships in a row at the majors, there was no goal for them other than first place, and the failure in the quarterfinals, which occurred after the “boost” scandal, ignited the fuse of the destructive bomb. 




Fnatic: second scandal


In that team, there were two stars olofmeister and JW, who did not share the same views on the future of that squad. 

But Kajbjer's influence was too strong, leading to a chaotic style of play based on individual skill mixed with pronax's strategic intentions. Olofmeister had a plan to take dennis. Relegating the role of coordinator to flusha. 


They would win a few more significant T-1 tournaments in the renewed form. However, in April 2016, Kajbjer claimed about inactive because of an arm injury. JW and flusha didn’t like this lineup. They wanted to avoid playing alongside dennis. Failures in subsequent championships will only increase the negativity, and not having a captain will turn them into individual stacks running around the map.  JW and flusha required changes that would not be satisfied. Their temperaments do not allow them to agree with each other, and the end of this conflict will be the transition of this Trinity to his former captain. 


They did not last very long together; the results were not just bad; they weren`t at all. In February '17, they returned to Fnatic with the former line-up and tested themselves for the second time. This time it was no longer the players who made the decision but the management. What did not please olof and company? The conflict between these players was so protracted that it was clear that these five had no future. After finishing a new major in the quarterfinals, it became known about the transfer of olofmeister, which will take place on August 20, 2017. One day later, dennis would be kicked. 






The power of the trio JW, flusha, KRIMZ will be too much. They will continue to reshape the lineup up and down. But the results will not get better. They will be an example of a team where everyone pulls the blanket over themselves without trying to compromise, which leads them into a trap, as expected. 


How many teams do you know that dominated the professional CS:GO scene? What do you think about Fnatic? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments with Cyber-sport.io., as well as on our social networks. Subscribe and follow the latest eSports news! 


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