To start, Riot does let you see how many hours you spent playing League of Legends this season. However, it merely shows your rated hours as a result. Simply take these steps to find out:
You must contact third parties that provide this service to discover how many hours you have spent playing League of Legends.
You may quickly and easily find out how much time you spent playing League of Legends by visiting Wasted on LoL (, choosing your area, and entering your summoner name.
Wasted on LoL is simple to browse and has few connections and distractions. In addition, this website offers more. You may purchase RP and see the top 20 player rankings for each area on the top bar menu, which is dependent on how much time those players have invested in League of Legends.
All accounts on servers directly hosted by Riot Games are covered under Wasted on LoL. This regrettably implies that accounts from China, whose territory is hosted by qq, and a substantial chunk of South East Asia, whose region is hosted by Garena, are not protected.
Being a third party, Wasted on LoL does not provide a completely exact tally of the hours played, which is a drawback. Even so, it comes the closest to representing your entire number of hours.
Moving on, there is an alternative method to determine how much time you've spent playing the game if Wasted on LoL is not accessible in your location. Find your total games and average game time using websites that compile player statistics and data, such as the Chinese, and then multiply the two figures.
There aren't many websites like that may take a more correct tack. used to provide a precise breakdown of the number of hours you played during the most recent season as well as an average for all seasons prior to that. You may thus obtain an idea by just adding those figures. Unfortunately, has stopped functioning as of November 2019.
You might also do the computations on your own.
On websites like, you may see how many games you've played. Then double that amount by either 30 (because low-rank bouts often last 30 minutes) or 25. (25 minutes is the average for top-rank matches). You will be able to estimate your overall gaming time in this manner.
You may also divide your total mastery points by 650 to obtain an approximation of the number of games you've played. In this manner, you may get a number without relying on websites like
Surprisingly, despite the League of Legends esports industry becoming more competitive, professional players have been absent from the top-boards for hours. Thus, success cannot be achieved only via practice and play. We all have heard of the phrase "hard stuck," which describes a situation in which you play for years without making any progress.
However, even if LoLKing is no longer around, you can still quickly enhance your game by using websites like that are comparable. Viewing item build paths and masteries from any player, including your favourite League of Legends YouTubers and broadcasters, is simple with
Therefore, even though it is very improbable that you would achieve the same success by using the same development pathways and masteries, possessing this information will undoubtedly provide you an edge in certain match-ups. For beginner players who don't have the time to spend hours watching professionals or broadcasters to become better, this is very advantageous.
The typical League of Legends player logs 832 hours, according to data provided by Riot Games. This equates to about 35 nonstop days. Veterans of the game who have played the League of Legends for hundreds of days are likely to surpass this figure as it includes new players as well.
Here's some excellent news! You may check how much time you've really spent on League of Legends if you're the kind of person who is interested in knowing. To see your in-game hours, follow the in-game step-by-step instructions.
The days of having others criticize you for playing your favorite game for a few hundred hours are long gone. In order to reach any true level of competence in many esports games, a rather significant commitment is necessary. The gist of it is: as long as you have fun, don't feel bad about your hours!
The majority of gamers are probably not skilled enough to play professionally, but that doesn't mean you can't still earn money. There are several methods to gain money, including placing bets, competing in tournaments, and interacting with the community utilizing your knowledge and abilities. Share your experience with Subscribe and follow the latest eSports news!