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Magnus as a core position in patch 7.33c
Dota 2
June 06, 2023
Magnus as a core position in patch 7.33c
In the ever-evolving world of Dota 2, every patch brings changes that significantly impact the meta and gameplay strategies. Patch 7.33c was no exception, introducing modifications that affect the viability of heroes in different positions. One hero that gained prominence in the primary position is Magnus.
How to win Slark: carry tips and tricks
Dota 2
October 12, 2022
How to win Slark: carry tips and tricks
Hey, dotafakers! Hope you are all safe and sound and we continue our Dota science. Slark is a versatile melee hero whose main attribute is agility. Slark attacks unexpectedly and deadly runs fast, and develops agility as a key attribute. In the game, he can play the roles of carry, disabler, and nuker.
The best way to play Slardar in 7.32d patch
Dota 2
January 22, 2023
The best way to play Slardar in 7.32d patch
A descendant of snake-footed creatures that live in the depths and guard many sunken cities. Do you know who it is? That's right, and it's Slardar. Today we will discuss this hero and all the nuances and secrets of playing him. Let’s roll!
Tidehunter super strong pos-3: guide
Dota 2
November 04, 2022
Tidehunter super strong pos-3: guide
Let's imagine the item-build that can deal with any hero in Dota. At high ranks, you can increasingly observe Tidehunters through physical damage. Someone, like Topson, goes to the middle with such a tide, and someone, like 33, generally goes to the offlane. But neither the build itself nor its insane strength hinge on the lane. Here we take a closer look at the features of this secret build and gameplay.
Keeper of the Light mid-position gameplay
Dota 2
November 14, 2022
Keeper of the Light mid-position gameplay
Here is a detailed guide to raising your MMR. KOTL mid is an absolute killing machine in the hands of an expert. Although you might think it's simple to play the hero, practice and the capacity to feel, the character are necessary if you want to play consistently well.
Any ideas for changes to make Troll Warlord viable in current meta?
Dota 2
November 14, 2022
Any ideas for changes to make Troll Warlord viable in current meta?
To tell the truth, Troll Warlord is not so popular in patch 7.32c. The hero is fascinating, though many people compare him to characters like Drow Ranger or Riki. One of the biggest problems with Troll Warlord is that the characters do everything they can to kite him with Eul's, Ghost Scepters, and Force Staffs. However, is it enough to boost this hero? Let's discuss!
How to communicate effectively in Dota 2
Dota 2
November 07, 2022
How to communicate effectively in Dota 2
I know that we all "enjoy" screaming to voice chat, but it’s like kicking the dead horse if you want to win a match. Undoubtedly, you have to follow a more skilled player, especially if he has much more matchmaking points than you are. Have you ever heard the phrase, "I don't know why this is right, but I'm sure it's right"? In our slang, it is called game sense.
Abaddon hidden imba of 7.32c
Dota 2
October 12, 2022
Abaddon hidden imba of 7.32c
After Valve released patch 7.31d heroes with birth heal or def abilities jumped in popularity and win rate. Trent, Wisp, Dazzle, VD, Warlock, Omniknight, and Abaddon can easily reimburse the lack of nerfed Healing Salve. In current ranked matches you may survey players trying to replace the huge amount of healing with Headdress, Soul Ring, or fast-stash Ring of Health. Below I will analyze why 7.32c is the perfect patch to uncover the Abaddon pos-5 in ranked matchmaking.
Viper – best long-range offlaner of 7.32c
Dota 2
November 10, 2022
Viper – best long-range offlaner of 7.32c
For many players who have never faced Viper pos-3, the appearance of a new offlaner in this Dota season was a novelty. Valve, in my opinion, will modify Viper so that he cannot solo destroy easy lane. All this may be in future updates, but for now, enjoy the moments of imbalance. It's a piece of cake!
Elder Titan pos-3 hidden Dota “Ace”
Dota 2
October 09, 2022
Elder Titan pos-3 hidden Dota “Ace”
I suppose if you, dear readers, had not read the article's title, you would still not remember such a character as Elder Titan. Long forgotten in regular ranked games, even more, forgotten by Pro ‘ss, but not completely forgotten by the hero's fans. With each arrival of a new meta, some characters are forgotten and become not so popular, while some, on the contrary, their pick rate and win rate are growing, which should not be surprising because this is how Dota 2 works. Today we will analyze whether Elder Titan really dropped out of the game and lost to its direct competitors in every position, why the hero died and has 1.4% of the Dotabuff pick rate, and let's think, wasn't he written off too early?
Heroes that returned to meta after 7.32b release
Dota 2
September 17, 2022
Heroes that returned to meta after 7.32b release
Swiftly jump from 7.32 to 7.32b was very interesting for a number of heroes. Some of them became noticeably stronger, and some were in the spotlight for one week, after which they disappeared from the game “radar”. However, a couple of heroes got a “short vacation”, after which they returned to the meta with renewed spells. Today we will talk about such heroes. Let’s cut to the chase!