Everything truly about Dota top cosplay and eSport games in details
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Alleria Windrunner Dota 2 cosplay by feyischecosplay
Agile and sly, Windranger is always on the lookout for the right moment to attack. She is constantly on the move - even when clearing a path with a deadly shot or tying up enemies to stab them with arrows.
Every year, Dota 2 fans come together to watch several weeks of intense competition as the best players in the world compete for the Aegis of Champions. The International, which has evolved into one of the biggest and most awaited competitions in the esports circuit, has always been the center of attention.
Among the high-sworn of the Slithereen Guard there is a solemn vow oft repeated before battle: No Slithereen may fail. In truth, these words are equal parts oath and enforceable covenant, for those who fall short of their duty are banished from the order. To fail is to be other than Slithereen.
Cosplay is an integral part of the Dota community, every year there are cosplay contests at TI, and at some Majors. Moreover, images of Dota heroes can be found at various anime and gaming festivals. Although in recent years, Valve has not really pleased us with large-scale cosplay events, maybe it is due to the situation in the world, or the lack of interest of the company in this, but I hope that after TI11 it will change. What is your view?
Drifting from battle to battle and sacrificing creeps to fuel his assaults, Lich is always ready to help his fellow heroes destroy their enemies with slowing frost. Should his foes be foolish enough to gather, his bouncing ultimate will ensure their demise.
Riding swiftly into battle, Luna tears into her enemies with attacks able to bounce between targets. When foes threaten, she calls down the power of the moon as a single searing beam or as a lunar barrage, crushing those who stand against her.
Do you survey this cyber-media artist? Effortlessly flinging friends and foes around the battlefield, she happily bounds into any brawl, able to grant allies a deadly edge and unleash a hidden power.
Spectre haunts her enemies wherever they may be. Specter's voice is a reference to Avatar of Vengeance's voice in Warcraft III and Specter's voice in Dota AllStars.
Vengeful Spirit's presence is felt at all times, whether she is alive or dead. Able to swap positions with any nearby hero, stun enemies, and reduce her killer's effectiveness if she falls, she constantly brings confusion and chaos to her foes.
Kunkka is always predicting where his enemies will go next. Able to attack a location with a geyser of water or a ghostly shipwreck, should his aim prove true, he and his allies will have no trouble cleaning up whatever is left.
At the first appearance of the hero, the number of abilities and even the order of calling the elements changed the final spell. At that time, Invoker had only 27 spells available in the arsenal, but later their number was reduced to the coveted 10. Below I think that the artist did one's best to show all Invo spells in the cosplay model.
Marci debuted in the anime series Dota: Dragon's Blood and was developed in collaboration with Studio Mir. And Reddit user alice_gontier transformed Dota virtual hero into definitely real-life character.