Esports heroes

Dota 2 is a popular cybersport game with hundreds of unique heroes. No matter what your playstyle is, there's a Dota hero for you. With so many options, it can be hard to decide who to play. That's where we come in. Our team of experts has put together a list of the best Dota heroes for beginners and advanced players alike. Each hero has unique abilities and powers that they use to try and take down the enemy team. There are hundreds of different heroes to choose from, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. So, who are the best Dota 2 heroes? So, whether you're just starting out or you're looking for a new challenge, we've got you covered. Check out our list of the top Dota 2 heroes today and start your journey to becoming a cybersport champion. Each hero has unique abilities and powers that they use to try and take down the enemy team. So, who are the best Dota 2 heroes?
From June 29 to July 9, the long-awaited tournament for tier 1 teams - Bali Major - took place. On it, the players demonstrated the strongest heroes of the patch. One of those heroes was Broodmother – 61.82% with 55 picks. Therefore, in this article, we will try to find out what could affect such a stunning success. Let's go!
July 30, 2023
You would never think that Witch Doctor could be used not only as support, but time goes by, Dota changes, and new ingenious tactics appear. Today, I want to show you how to turn this hero from a weak grandpa who places wards in the forest into a tank at position 3.
February 20, 2023
Magnus as a core position in patch 7.33c
Magnus as a core position in patch 7.33c
June 06, 2023
Reddit fans frequently create concepts for Dota heroes, who could stand on a par with the Dota lore. In their opinion, depending on the reading of mythology, it can be an element of light, water, or even mushrooms! In anticipation of the new big patch (7.32 broke the record for the longest patch since 6.87) and the release of new heroes, a concept design from a fan was presented on Reddit.
March 03, 2023
How to win Slark: carry tips and tricks
How to win Slark: carry tips and tricks
October 12, 2022
The best way to play Slardar in 7.32d patch
The best way to play Slardar in 7.32d patch
January 22, 2023
Is Zeus the best mid-hero of patch 7.32c?
Meet the son of Cronos! Today we will talk about a hero named Zeus. After all, according to statistics on Dotabuff, Zeus has a 53% win rate. In the Pro scene and in general, he is extremely popular. Maybe after this article, you want to try playing it or learn something new about yourself. Let's know what pros and cons this hero had. Let’s cut to the chase!
November 24, 2022
How to be the best pos-1 Troll Warlord: guide
Troll Warlord is a standard carry hero that always plays in the safe lane. The hero's strengths are laning, great farming potential, and the ability to be relevant in most matchups against other carry heroes at all stages of the game. For a long time, he was not taken in matchmaking and on the professional scene, but after the latest updates in the patch, the hero has changed for the better, which we can see based on his pick rate frequency.
October 22, 2022
Anti-Mage in 7.32c: craft review
Anti-Mage in 7.32c: craft review
November 07, 2022
Keeper of the Light mid-position gameplay
Keeper of the Light mid-position gameplay
Here is a detailed guide to raising your MMR. KOTL mid is an absolute killing machine in the hands of an expert. Although you might think it's simple to play the hero, practice and the capacity to feel, the character are necessary if you want to play consistently well.
November 14, 2022
How to carry any safelane: Rikimaru gameplay
Riki is a forgotten hero who is now gaining momentum. The meta is moving in the hero's direction as the developers increase the power of his abilities from patch to patch. Increasingly, we can see Riki in public. What prompted the hero to return, and why should he be picked now? We will learn about it in this article!
January 22, 2023
Spirit Breaker offlane monster: guide
Spirit Breaker offlane monster: guide
October 04, 2022

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Abaddon hidden imba of 7.32c
Abaddon hidden imba of 7.32c
After Valve released patch 7.31d heroes with birth heal or def abilities jumped in popularity and win rate. Trent, Wisp, Dazzle, VD, Warlock, Omniknight, and Abaddon can easily reimburse the lack of nerfed Healing Salve. In current ranked matches you may survey players trying to replace the huge amount of healing with Headdress, Soul Ring, or fast-stash Ring of Health. Below I will analyze why 7.32c is the perfect patch to uncover the Abaddon pos-5 in ranked matchmaking.
October 12, 2022
Viper – best long-range offlaner of 7.32c
For many players who have never faced Viper pos-3, the appearance of a new offlaner in this Dota season was a novelty. Valve, in my opinion, will modify Viper so that he cannot solo destroy easy lane. All this may be in future updates, but for now, enjoy the moments of imbalance. It's a piece of cake!
November 10, 2022
TOP-3 broken mid heroes of 7.32c
TOP-3 broken mid heroes of 7.32c
November 09, 2022